Saturday, October 16, 2010

Research Paper

I'm taking a break from working on the proposal for my semester research paper, an assignment for my advanced writing class. It's been a rough go trying to figure out what I'm going to write about, since my major is a language. I guess there's one other girl in my class that as a language major - Spanish - and since there are about ten times more Spanish classes than there are Japanese classes it's been easy for her.

She decided she's going to write about history. I've decided I'm going to write about the GazettE.

Yes, laugh at me if you want, but there's such a nice breath of fresh air about those men, Ruki in particular. He doesn't care about social conventions about keeping things under the table. He wants to put things out in the open, where people can see and talk about them. There are so many things in his lyrics that you can't find almost anything on in Japanese news just because of censorship and social convention that you don't talk about it. He takes a strong stance and doesn't back down when backlash strikes.

It's something important, something that needs to be done. I'm all for keeping custom and tradition, but that doesn't mean that ignoring the problem will make it go away.

So the basis of my research paper is the GazettE's album "DIM" and the issues it talks about in its lyrics. Some of them, just so there's an idea, are pieces about abortion, murder, anger, emotional abuse, and the like. I'm excited to work out my paper on interpreting them and how the band's personal opinions have helped shape this.

the GazettE will be pulling in upwards of $2,000,000 with ticket sales for this year's tour. They're important and prolific, despite their status as "heretics" and "social riot machines". Let's give some attention to them and what they have to say.

That's why they're doing it, after all.

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