Tuesday, March 23, 2010


My grandma is sick and so am I, but we seem to have two different kinds of sickness. Mine is stomach sickness. I feel like I'm constantly being punched in the stomach. She has a cough. But maybe they're related somehow.

Just three more weeks and the semester is over! alsdkghjkf. I'm so excited. I'm ready for a good long summer where I have time to just sit around and relax.

I mean, basically all my friends will be gone. ¬__¬ But that's okay. I'll still have Lashy~ And my guitar. And Elo will be around for awhile, I think. So I'll make it through.

Next week I'll have my phone interview for my internship. I don't know how I feel about it, but we'll see how it goes. ;A;

I don't want to think about finals.

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