Friday, March 26, 2010

All my insides want to be on my outside.

Still. I'm not sure why. I think I need to start asking what's in food to see if there's any common thing that I've eaten in the last week. Of course, it could always be all those accursed vegetables. But who would know.

I'm looking forward to Lashy coming over tomorrow so we can be friendly and talk and comfort and other stuff like that. Because I really need cuddling from people that aren't over fifty years old. I need to cuddle and talk with people that are more likely to understand me.

Please hurry, Lashy. ;A;

Just a couple more weeks of school. And I should get my tax returns back in a couple of weeks, and then I can buy an awesome guitar! My Jubilee scorebook will be here around then too. Then, after finals are over, I can spend my summer working and learning symphonic metal. Yay!


Seriously, these two are so cute. Teru's smile FTW. I would bite Kamijo too, if he was sticking his fingers in my face all the time. XD

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