Saturday, September 27, 2008

Silly Monochrome Factor

And again. XP

Video: Monochrome Factor (produced by TV Tokyo, original manga by Sorano Kairi)
Audio: Random WAVs


WolfSinKyros said...

I hearts it I hearts it I HEARTS IT!!!!
Master's part was great! XP
I couldn't stop laughing, which is bad 'cause my parents are asleep upstairs *sweat*

yusahana6323 said...

I'm glad you liked it! XD

I did that Master part just for you. :3

WolfSinKyros said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
WolfSinKyros said...

...then I hearts you...again...

EvilValenStrife said...

*is losing her mind*
OMG!!! Yusa that was teh awesomeness!!!!!!