Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Monochrome Factor, Vol. 1 [DVD]

My bright light at the end of the first couple of weeks of college arrived last night: my box set of Monochrome Factor.

I adore this show. It's witty, cute, and funny, but with plenty of underlying value. And since it doesn't look like it'll be truly licensed in America anytime soon (thank goodness for that... if I hear Vic Mignogna or Johnny Yong Bosch are hanging around it, I think I'll have to cry), and I would feel bad for cheating the system if I didn't support the series somehow, I decided to go ahead and start buying the Japanese DVDs.

It didn't come with much as far as bonus video material is concerned - the bonus disk only holds some chats with the main actors, Suwabe Junichi and Ono Daisuke, and other actors, but having clear, remastered episodes (along with extras that weren't included in the TV version) is a nice breath of fresh air compared to watching digital, heavily-pixelated stuff online.

The set also came with an extra cover (it makes me happy... Akira is my favourite), along with many Akira stickers and an Akira phone charm.

Episodes 1-3 are some of the most unobscured ones in the series, meaning they're in place for purpose of plot and not fillers, which unfortunately most of the series is. (I can count plot-related episodes that have been released thus far on one hand, quite literally.) While having nothing but fillers up until the very end is a good sign of a second series, I'm not sure I want to go through another season of 25 episodes, with 17/25 being fillers and very little related to the plot. But, perhaps, if a second season does ensue, maybe since they will have reached a part of the climax with this first series, the second will be a little more intense. I like this series mainly for the interaction between the main characters, Akira and Shirogane, and their struggle with Akira's true identity rather than seeing the same tired "plot device" recycled through almost every episode (except said ones I can count on one hand.)

So, let's see how this treats me. Box set 2 should be here by the end of next week. I'm excited for some spare time to sit down, watch everything through, and see what treasures I have really come across.

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