Monday, November 15, 2010

New Job.

New job is nicer. New job is more prestigious. New job requires nice clothes. New job doesn't pay as much. New job doesn't offer as many hours at the moment. Nice clothes are expensive. Expensive with less hours and less pay means I have no money.

It's a vicious cycle.

I did buy two pieces of new clothing, and hopefully my parents will take pity and help me buy just two or three nice shirts and a pair of pants or something.

Clothes I bought:

White ruffly skirt.


Awesome separate shirt.

We'll see how they look when they get here. :/ I hope they're nice. If not I just spent a lot of money on nothing.

Also I bought a jpunk tie:

I like it very much. I'll try wearing it to work. If it's not work acceptable it will at least look awesome to wear to school.


Also apparently this is my 100th post, yay for me, I am a blogger superstar.

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