Monday, December 7, 2009

Picking back up...

I guess I really should start using this again. :/ Just for day-to-day blogs?

Well, finals are coming up. I'm so ready to get out of this semester. I've hated almost every moment of it. I suppose that's what happens when it's full of classes you're required to take rather than ones that have any relevance to things you're interested.

I have two papers due, a vocabulary test in Japanese, a small midterm (WTF) in Linguistics, and then I'm planning on taking my Humanities and my Sociology finals this weekend.

The next week, my Japanese final is scheduled for Monday. I will probably take my religion one that day as well, and wrap everything up with my Linguistics final on Tuesday.

And then it's off to Los Angeles to enjoy some time with friends and family and warmth. Planning on going to Little Tokyo and Chinatown and Disneyland with my best friend. :)

Away, to study! -_-

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