Saturday, August 27, 2011

Japan, Week 2

Woohoooooo week two!





Shortly after I posted the last entry, Taylor and I decided to make the five-minute walk down the street to Tokyo Dome.
















There is really no telling you how gigantic and spectacular just the outside of the structure is. I can’t imagine what it’s like inside! Unfortunately we didn’t get to peek our heads in because there was a baseball game going on (in case anyone didn’t know: Tokyo Dome is a baseball stadium, that is its primary function), but maybe some other time later we’ll be able to go inside.


I don’t think I ever showed pictures of my phone…



I actually quite like it ( *`ω´) Hopefully I can personalise it just a bit soon~



Ummmm after Monday we were pretty much just in training and I didn’t take a lot of pictures of that xD



But on Wednesday we moved to Hatogaya, Saitama!



Leopalace Hatogaya Sakashita.



Here are pictures of the apartment as it looked as soon as I got there:



View from the front door.



I have a washer! \(・ω・)/



Sink and stove.



The uh… living area. xD;; Again these were taken almost as soon as everything was deposited.



Table, mirror, closet.



View from the end of the living area.



The loft!



Toilet yaaaayyyy



And the shower/bath area.



It’s really actually a very nice apartment, and much, much bigger than I thought it was going to be.
The loft is really nice, it’s like a mini-bedroom, and it saves space for the living area.



Now, a few days later, the apartment is in its transition stage. A lot of sutff is put away, but not everything has a spot yet, and it’s still largely undecorated (hopefully that will be changed soon), so here is what it looks like now:




Loft area~














(If you couldn’t tell, I’m really bad at colour matching.)




And that’s the current apartment. In a few days, the GazettE will release their new single, and my order apparently comes with a B2 size (20x28 ish) poster, so I will get that up… somehow, somewhere. ( *`ω´)ゞ



Yesterday, Taylor and I went out on a little jaunt around Hatogaya:














It’s really a very nice area with a LOT of really nice traditional-style houses. Apparently we live in either a very rich area or a yakuza area. xD;; We’ll find out soon.



Purchases of this week are mostly limited to household items like pots and pans and hangers, but I did get a few luxury things:




I couldn’t help it xD “Versailles print” sheets to line cupboards and such. I used it to line under the sink where I put my dishes, but I still have some left, so maybe I’ll line a few other shelves while I’m here.




It might not be official but from what I can read of music it’s very close, if not spot-on, and for the price it’s a very good deal and exceptional quality.
And the other great thing is that that music store had ALL THREE of their album bandscores.
I’ll be getting at least DIM while I’m out here ;w; So happy~




Second-to-last volume of Monochrome Factor, one of the best manga ever.






In random news my iPod has been doing this lately:


Replacing album covers with… it looks like screencaps from videos I have on there. I’ll have to see if I can get that sorted out.
(The one on the right actually made me lol a lot. xD)





I’ve started thinking of things I wish I had here, so here they are just in case someone wants to send a care package:

Bengal Spice herbal tea (I know I have a lot at the house in Utah)
Some of those wall hanger tabs, so I can hang things up, and maybe some hooks or something
Dry cereal (it’s really expensive here)
Powdered sauce mixes
Lotion (also really expensive)
Cookies (even the ones at the dollar store are fine)
A vacuum
A dryer
A dog
A cat

Thank you.




And that is all I have for this week! Like I said, I was mostly in training, and that’s the way it’ll be for the next two weeks, but I’ll let everyone know what goes on with REMEMBER THE URGE and the signing sessions if I end up being able to go!

( *`ω´)ゞ

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