Tuesday, March 8, 2011


One thing you wanted to be when you grew up?
A paleontologist.

Your hair?
Is a mess today and I'll be going out like this. Woo.

Your father?
Is a Finn.

Your favorite thing?
Hard to say. Music?

Your dream last night?
One of my normal "everyone is trying to hurt/maim/kill me" dreams. Whee.

Your favorite drink?
Either cranberry juice or blackcurrant juice.

Your dream / goal?
Work in Japanese media, most specifically in music with some of my favourite bands. (Hur hur yeah right)

The room you are in?
My room, and it is messy and slathered with Jrock. Unf.

A pet peeve?
Stupid people. That accounts for basically everything else.

Your fear?
Spiders, heights, abandonment.

Where do you want to be in 6 years?
Working my dream job outside the country.

One of your wish list items?
An Alaskan Malamute puppy.

Where you grew up?
Bay area in California and Provo area in Utah. But I did most of my growing up in London, England and Japan.

The last thing you did?
Took a shower.

What are you wearing?
Pyjama pants and my Kyuuketsuki shirt.

Something you like about yourself?
My... sense of humour? My want to learn?

Something you don't like about yourself?
I could go on for awhile.

Your television?
I don't have one. Or at least not here. I have a tiny kind of pointless one in Spanish Fork.

Your pets?
Princess, my beautiful kitty.

Your computer?
Is named Ruki, and I love him.

Your life?
Is stressful and confidence-ruining.

Your mood?
Exhausted, tired of trying, and grumpy.

Missing someone?
More than is probably healthy.

Your car?
A beautiful red Ford Taurus with leather upholstry and the best sound system EVER. Check Reitabass out.

Favorite store?
One where I can buy things.

Your summer?
Will be full of working.

Your favorite color?
Black, white, and red. And purple.

Looking forward to?
Being done with this semester.

When is the last time you laughed?
Last night while I was watching MST3K. Yes shut up.

Three of your favorite foods?
Chocolate, curry, bread.

Three places I would rather be right now?
Tokyo, London, Los Angeles.

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